miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

Social Computing con SharePoint

Hola Amig@s,

Acabo de leer acerca de "Social Computing" realmente no hay palabras mas descriptivas del social computing que las expuestas en la página sharepoint.microsoft.com; las adjunto:

Bring your people together
Social computing gives information workers new ways to create value together. Blogs, podcasts, and other social media help them capture and share knowledge, enhancing innovation and teamwork. Social networks make it easy to find expertise and stay connected to key contacts. People can self-organize to solve problems and meet customer needs. Microsoft® SharePoint® delivers the power of social computing in the context of a complete collaboration solution—right alongside the tools that people already use every day to get work done and move your organization forward.

Les dejo el link de un video donde pueden aprender como social computing junto con SharePoint puede ayudar tu empresa. Ver video aquí

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